Wednesday, September 26, 2012

See You At The Pole 2012

What a delight is was to see members of the HCA family, from 6 to 60, braving a few sprinkles this morning to meet together praying for our country, our community, our school, and our students and families.  Organized by our west campus student leaders and supported by the Moms in Prayer group (special thanks to Lynn Platter), this event brought together students from both campuses to join with millions of young people around the world in prayerful worship of our great God.

Photos of this event follow.  And you might want to watch Fox 4 today ... they sent a representative out to interview a couple of our student leaders!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

21st Century Education: What is it?

As HCA has moved toward greater integration of technology into the educational experience, you have heard a lot about 21st Century literacy, 21st Century skills, 21st Century education, etc.  It is one of the hot buzzwords in education today.  In fact, if you Google ‘21st Century education’, you will get about 131 million results.  A couple of helpful links are found here and here.

In a nutshell, the push toward 21st Century education is an acknowledgement that the traditional educational system was designed in many ways to meet the needs of a industrialized society using the technology available at that time.  However, the needs of a globalized, automated, information based society are quite different, and the technology available to meet those needs is expanding exponentially.  It’s really staggering to consider that the ubiquitous ‘smart phone’ is really a phenomenon that is only 5-6 years old.  The average teen is holding a computer in his hand, connected 24/7, with more computing power than the average desktop 10 years ago.

The competencies (or literacies) required for the 21st Century have inspired lots of discussion.  Daniel Pink in his bestselling book A Whole New Mind identifies six ‘senses’ needed - design, story, symphony, empathy, play, and meaning.  Dr. Howard Gardner from Harvard, often credited with originating the ideas of multiple intelligences, has identified ‘five minds for the future’ - the disciplined mind, the synthesizing mind, the creative mind, the respectful, and the ethical mind.  I find the 4 C’s proposed by The Partnership for 21st Century Education helpful - Critical Thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication.

How does all this integrate with a Biblical worldview?  First of all, I believe we are called to ‘understand the times’ much as the men of Issachar in OT times. (I Chronicles 12:32).  Certainly the Gospel message is timeless, the same yesterday, today, forever (Hebrews 13:8), but culture and society in which that message is expressed has changed over the decades and centuries.  Second, I find it interesting that each of the 4 C’s can be found in our call to be an expression of the image of God.   Paul’s admonition to be “renewed in our minds” (Rom 12:1) speaks of critical thinking; the call to “subdue the earth” involves creatively using the resources God provides to benefit man (sand becomes a silicon chip which become an iPhone!); the “one anothers” and Paul’s illustration of giftedness in the body in I Corinthians 12 points to collaboration.  Even in the creation of man we see collaboration within the Trinity … and let us make man in our own image; and the very existence of God’s Word, both the written Word and the Living Word, is God’s communication of eternal truth with His creation.

The entire HCA staff is spending this year modeling a 21st century education,  studying these concepts with a critical mind, working creatively and collaboratively to identify the best way to integrate these skills into the classroom, and communicating with one another and the entire HCA family.  This is a critical year as we prepare to launch a 1-1 technology initiative for grades 7-12 and implement an enhanced technology integration component in the elementary grades.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mother-Daughter Night Out

Wow, it has really come up fast, but the HCA Mother-Daughter Night Out is coming up this Saturday!  The committee has put together an exciting event you won't want to miss.

Mrs. Susan Crook, our speaker for this event, has provided the following summary:

The goal of the HCA MOTHER-DAUGHTER SPA NIGHT is to encourage one another and build better relationships both at home and at school.  Yes, there will be fabulous food, a great fashion show, and loads of fun spa time, but the most important aspect of the evening is growing together toward becoming the beautiful young women God created us to be - outside perhaps - inside specifically.

Our HCA MOTHER-DAUGHTER SPA NIGHT mission statement reads:  To train and influence our daughters to be beautiful, godly young ladies who will go into the world one day as loving, caring women (like their moms) - serving God and serving others with their unique gifts and talents.

Although our girls may not show it, they need to know that mom is making an effort to understand and appreciate them.  At school, relationships can sometimes be challenging and hurtful (even in a Christian environment).  Teen girls particularly need to connect, feel secure, loved, and accepted for who God created them to be.  That doesn't always happen automatically.

When we recognize personality styles (why we do what we do and why others do what THEY do), we can feel understood and appreciated.  Therefore, we can generate positive relationships, build self-esteem, and learn how to deal with conflict when we clash in our differences.  God has a specific purpose for each one of us - and He created us differently to fulfill that purpose, not discourage or resent.

Please join us for a great event that God has laid on our hearts - for you.  We want to encourage YOU and help YOU enjoy loving relationships both at home and at school.  The "world" may promote and glorify "mean girl" and destructive relationships, but we know God created us for more.  Together - HCA girls and moms will glorify Him in every facet of our lives - loving Him and loving others.

Don't miss this fun, yet informative evening of laughing together - and growing together.  We'll make great memories, while gaining beneficial communication insights to use for a lifetime - in all relationships.  You'll love it!

You won't want to miss this special evening for our HCA Jr/Sr High girls and their moms.  Be sure to have your registration in the HCA West office by Wednesday, September 19th. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

ADVANCE (Update)

The HCA Juniors and Seniors spent Thursday evening and Friday at 3 Trails Camps and Conference Center for the fall 2012 version of the ADVANCE.  The students were challenged to "make an impact" by speaker Jeff Terrell, senior pastor at Harvest Bible Chapel, spent some time praying, planning, and playing together.

Enjoy some of the photos from this event below:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Everybody Loves a Parade!

Check out the video below of the HCA entry in the Old Settler's Parade in Olathe on Saturday, September 8th.  Great job, everyone!  You did HCA proud!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Winterim 2013

In January 2013 HCA will be introducing an exciting new program for students in grades 9-12 called Winterim. On Tuesday, January 8th, Winterim will begin with a series of special elective classes for students in grades 9-12 to allow students to explore topics and activities that are not a part of their regular curriculum. Regular classes will be suspended during this time. The schedule will look something like this

TUES - FRIDAY(1/8-11): Winterim will have block style classes of 90-120 minutes in length (two in the morning, one in the afternoon). Those can be Tue/Thur classes, Wed/Fri classes, or MTThF classes.
MONDAY (1/14): Winterim 2013 will conclude with activities focusing on God’s calling in each student’s life. Included in this time will be the administration of a DISC-type personality/giftedness assessment to help students see God’s hand in their life. 

A successful Winterim needs to provide a variety of choices for students, and parental involvement is crucial to make this happen. Many parents and friends of HCA have skills and expertise from which HCA students could benefit.  For example:

Engineering, Finance, Law, Medicine, Programming, Website Design, Digital Imaging, Video Production, Nutrition, Fitness, Musical Production, Art, Interior Design, Construction, Small Engine Repair, Culinary Arts, Horticulture, American Sign Language, CPR Certification, etc.
The possibilities are endless.  We already have some classes covering topics in website design, Broadway musical production, medicine, science and engineering, art, and social entrepreneurship.  

The goal is to have 6-8 options available for each of the time slots. That means Winterim could easily accommodate 40-50 different classes that week. 

This initiative is part of a larger effort to encourage HCA students to recognize God’s call on their lives ... a call to use the gifts and talents he has given them to His glory ... by Him, to Him, for Him! In future years, as HCA grows and matures, the Winterim will do so as well to spread over a longer period of time and include local internships as well as service projects. This is sure to be one of the highlights of the school year for HCA students. 

Would you be willing to be a part of this special event for HCA students?  This is a wonderful opportunity to be a mentor for a great group of young people.  Prayerfully consider your participation in this event.  To volunteer to be one of the teachers for this week, simply complete this brief form and submit.  We need your response soon so we can begin organizing this event to make it a memorable one for our students.