Monday, September 17, 2012

Mother-Daughter Night Out

Wow, it has really come up fast, but the HCA Mother-Daughter Night Out is coming up this Saturday!  The committee has put together an exciting event you won't want to miss.

Mrs. Susan Crook, our speaker for this event, has provided the following summary:

The goal of the HCA MOTHER-DAUGHTER SPA NIGHT is to encourage one another and build better relationships both at home and at school.  Yes, there will be fabulous food, a great fashion show, and loads of fun spa time, but the most important aspect of the evening is growing together toward becoming the beautiful young women God created us to be - outside perhaps - inside specifically.

Our HCA MOTHER-DAUGHTER SPA NIGHT mission statement reads:  To train and influence our daughters to be beautiful, godly young ladies who will go into the world one day as loving, caring women (like their moms) - serving God and serving others with their unique gifts and talents.

Although our girls may not show it, they need to know that mom is making an effort to understand and appreciate them.  At school, relationships can sometimes be challenging and hurtful (even in a Christian environment).  Teen girls particularly need to connect, feel secure, loved, and accepted for who God created them to be.  That doesn't always happen automatically.

When we recognize personality styles (why we do what we do and why others do what THEY do), we can feel understood and appreciated.  Therefore, we can generate positive relationships, build self-esteem, and learn how to deal with conflict when we clash in our differences.  God has a specific purpose for each one of us - and He created us differently to fulfill that purpose, not discourage or resent.

Please join us for a great event that God has laid on our hearts - for you.  We want to encourage YOU and help YOU enjoy loving relationships both at home and at school.  The "world" may promote and glorify "mean girl" and destructive relationships, but we know God created us for more.  Together - HCA girls and moms will glorify Him in every facet of our lives - loving Him and loving others.

Don't miss this fun, yet informative evening of laughing together - and growing together.  We'll make great memories, while gaining beneficial communication insights to use for a lifetime - in all relationships.  You'll love it!

You won't want to miss this special evening for our HCA Jr/Sr High girls and their moms.  Be sure to have your registration in the HCA West office by Wednesday, September 19th. 

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