Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sights and Sounds of Winterim 2013

Winterim 2013 came to a successful conclusion with our closing assembly Monday afternoon where students had the opportunity to share some of what they learned during Winterim Week.  We had reports from a variety of classes ... videography, songwriting, worship, Broadway workshop, sewing, culinary arts, art and crafts, improvisational theater, readers' theater, bridge building, and a computer 3D modeling course (see graphic above).  In all 94 students we enrolled in some 35 different topics taught by teachers, parents, and friends of HCA.  We began each day with worship and a devotional, all geared to encouraged students to understand God's call in theirs lives, to "find the work they can't not do", living a life of meaning and fulfillment.

Enjoy the photos (and video) below that give a taste of Winterim 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Alex really enjoyed the classes he took! What an awesome learning tool for the students. Thank you and thank you to ALL who took their valuable time to participate and enlighten our kids.
