Monday, April 6, 2015

The Bright Side of Technology

Last week Heritage Christian Academy hosted Brad Huddleston of Dark Side of Technology for a parent/student seminar addressing some of the dangers/challenges presented by technology.  Brad, noting recent research on the addictive nature of technology, challenged the those in attendance to develop a balanced approach toward technology for their families.  He reminded us of Paul's exhortation in I Corinthians 6:12 - "All thing as lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything."

The challenges Brad addressed are real, and the message he brings is one that is needed in our day. But I can't help but think of another side of technology, a "bright side of technology", that I recently had reason to be thankful for.  One of the most powerful tools available in the technology toolbox is something I am taking advantage of right now - the blog.  Blogs give a voice to people who might otherwise not have a voice.  No longer are publishing companies (newspapers, book publishers) or broadcast companies (radio or television) the gatekeepers of information and ideas.  Now anyone with a computer and internet connection has a potential voice.  Of course, that in itself, gives rise to a host of problems - misinformation, hateful or wicked content, etc- but it also provides Christians the opportunity to express truth to a vast audience.  Let me highlight the blog contribution of three former students I recently came across; I love hearing their heart for Jesus.

Jordan (Huston) Carlsen, currently mother to three and wife of a youth pastor, actually introduced me to social media during the early of days of MySpace, before the days of Facebook.  Jordan began a site for fellow students where she would often post discussion topics of a Biblical nature and encourage here fellow students to respond.  I would "lurk" on that site, many times encouraged and challenged by the depth of insight expressed by Jordan and others.  Jordan has shared posts from her personal blog on Facebook from time to time; her blog is currently on hiatus as her family is transitioning to a new ministry.  Here is a sample of her voice from a couple of years ago.

Ruthie Burrell is a recent graduate of Taylor University and is currently working as a free lance writer in a variety of roles.  One of those roles is her own personal blog.  Here is a sample from her blog I shared on Facebook when she posted it, a transparent reminder that we can't earn God's love.

Most recently I came across this post by Kaleigh Adkins. Kaleigh is currently studying Elementary Education at Pensacola Christian College and is one of the contributors to a blog creatively entitled BeYOUtiful In Christ. They express the purpose of their blog this way: "God has placed a passion in our hearts for young women to help them see the beauty within themselves; the beauty that comes from Christ. Serving our Creator, our purpose is to help young ladies see that in their Father's eyes, they are flawless."  We have used this post from Kaleigh with our own students at HCA.

This is truly the "bright side of technology", God giving these lovely ladies a voice to share His truth.

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